Ilaria Benedetti





Ilaria Benedetti 老师,获得经济统计与可持续性博士学位,目前为经济学院研究员。Ilaria Benedetti 老师主要研究方向为统计学方面社会研究、消费者行为、可持续性问题。




Ilaria Benedetti 老师从事科研工作以来,已出版学术著作多部,并在《Journal of Cleaner Production》等重要期刊发表学术论文多篇。主要学术成果如下:

1.  Laureti, T., & Benedetti, I. (2018). Exploring pro-environmental food purchasing behaviour:An empirical analysis of Italian consumers. Journal of cleaner production, 172, 3367-3378.

2.  Benedetti, I., Branca, G., & Zucaro, R. (2019). Evaluating input use efficiency in agriculture through a stochastic frontier production: An application on a case study in Apulia (Italy). Journal ofCleaner Production, 236, 117609.

3.  Benedetti, I., Biggeri, L., Laureti, T.,  &  Secondi, L.  (2016). Exploring the Italians ’ food habits and tendency towards a sustainable diet: The Mediterranean eating pattern. Agriculture andagricultural science procedia, 8, 433-440.

4.  Benedetti, I., Betti, G., & Crescenzi, F. (2020). Measuring Child Poverty and Its Uncertainty:A Case Study of 33 European Countries. Sustainability, 12(19), 8204.

5.  Benedetti,  I.,   Crescenzi,  F.,  &  Laureti,  T.  (2020).  Measuring  Uncertainty   for  PovertyIndicators at Regional Level: The Case of Mediterranean Countries. Sustainability, 12(19), 8159.